Gordon Brown
- Seen as “unflashy” compared to Blair. A skilled politician who dealt confidently with a series of problems soon after taking office (terrorism, foot and mouth, floods).
- Initially seen as a decisive leader but planned to call a quick election in 2007 to secure his position but after weeks of speculation he called it off after opinion polls showed he was losing support. The press claim that he “bottled” it.
- Seen as dour, remote, robotic and cold when dealing with the public and not good at communicating his ideas, accused of having a violent temper and being a bully.
- Depended too much on a small group of advisers. Had to deal with several challenges to his leadership from other party members and the resignations of Hazel Blears, Jacqui Smith and James Purnell
- Seen by many as too concerned with the global economic crisis rather than issues the public were concerned about. Press become very critical.
- Numerous gaffes e.g. during the election campaign he refers to pensioner Gillian Duffy as “that bigoted woman” after not realising his microphone was still on…