November 10, 2015 by

Extract 13: Natural Law Today – Stephen Pope

source Some of the major criticisms of natural law have been suggested earlier but can be recapitulated in light of contemporary…

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November 6, 2015 by

Extract: Personalism

For situationists, personalism is the key to what is good: that which leads to “human welfare and happiness (but not, necessarily,…

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November 6, 2015 by

Extract: Positivism

Situationism is positivistic. Fletcher (1966) claims that ethics (love especially) must be believed not proved. There are no proofs or logical…

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November 6, 2015 by

Extract: Relativism

Fletcher claims that situationism “relativizes the absolute, it does not absolutise the relative”(45). It is true that Fletcher makes good or…

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November 6, 2015 by

Extract: Pragmatism

Pragmatism, according to Fletcher, says that the good is what works, what is expedient,what gives satisfaction (42). In pragmatism, the ends…

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November 5, 2015 by

Extract 7: Aristotle’s Idea of the Soul

source Aristotle expands his notion of happiness through an analysis of the human soul which structures and animates a living human…

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November 5, 2015 by

Extract 5: The Meaning of Phronesis

source Practical wisdom (Greek phronesis; sometimes translated ‘prudence’), says Aristotle, is ‘a reasoned  capacity to act with regard to the things…

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November 3, 2015 by

Extract 8: Euthanasia – a personal reflection against

source: Church of England Christopher Jones wrote this reflection on 30th November 2011, less than six months before his death, aged…

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October 14, 2015 by

Extract 12: The Four Laws of Aquinas by Richard Jacobs

source NATURAL LAW THEORY “…there is in nature a common principle of the just and unjust that all people in some…

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August 13, 2015 by

Extract 3: Intuitionism

For a very clear, brief discussion of Moore’s intuitionism, follow the link below. Further reading on GE Moore is here

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