Essay Plan: Describe the sources of the UK constitution (Mark Scheme)
18th August 2015
Describe the sources of the UK constitution. (10)
AO1 Knowledge and understanding
Key knowledge and understanding
- Statute law, as passed by Parliament. Additional knowledge would refer to the fact that they change the nature and processes of government. Examples: the Human Rights Act, Devolution and Lords reform.
- Conventions as unwritten rules. Examples: Salisbury Convention, Collective responsibility etc.
- Historical principles such as the sovereignty of parliament and prerogative powers.
- Works and documents of authority Examples: Bagehot, Dicey, Erskine, Magna Carta, 1688 Bill of Rights
- Common law and tradition, relating often to rights
- European Union Treaties/Law Examples: Maastricht Treaty, Treaty of Rome
Threshold Guidance for AO1:
The minimum requirement to enter level 3 is three sources clearly explained.
The minimum requirement to enter level 2 is two sources with at least a limited explanation.
Level 3
6-7 Marks
- Good to excellent knowledge of sources.
- Explanations of the sources demonstrate good to excellent understanding.
- There will be good use made of appropriate examples.
Level 2
3-5 Marks
- Limited to sound knowledge of the sources.
- Explanations of the sources will demonstrate limited to sound understanding.
- Examples will be limited or absent.
Level 1
0-2 Marks
- Very poor to weak knowledge with little or no understanding shown.
- Examples are likely to be absent.
AO2 Intellectual skills
Ability to explain why and how the sources relate to the nature of the constitution.
Level 3
3 Marks
- Good to excellent ability to explain the nature of operation of the sources
Level 2
2 Marks
- Limited to sound ability to explain the nature of operation of the sources
Level 1
1 Mark
- Very poor to weak ability to explain the nature of operation of the sources