Welcome to Teachers!
September 27, 2016
Peped is a site which navigates like a Rubik’s cube. Four different colours of the cube represent four different intelligences: verbal (handout, extract), visual (powerpoint, film clip), logical (mindmap) and kinaesthetic (play a game, do something). The third dimension of the cube represents layers of depth: ‘start here’ documents or my handouts are at a basic level, then as you move through extracts and articles on the same theme the site goes deeper and deeper!
Currently I am working on materials for the new OCR spec Developments in Christian Thought. If you have anything to contribute on the first three sections – Augustine, Death and the Afterlife and Knowledge of God, do send them to me. I will be writing more in-depth material soon, but meantime, anything which helps understanding is welcome.
Don’t forget that peped increasingly does teacher training days and also we have for a few years done revision days. I am also working with Academy Conferences on student conferences which are much better than they ever were, with free dvds, brilliant speakers and strong links with Oxford University. To see what is happening please go to the Events section – and if you want our teaching materials then go to the Shop. We spent hours and hours writing the Teaching Packs over the hols – I even took my work on holiday to Malta, so please enjoy the fruits and put the ZING into your teaching this year!