WAR and PEACE Catholic Teaching

May 11, 2009
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7. Why is the arms race immoral?

“The arms race is a threat to man’s highest good, which is life; it makes poor peoples and individuals yet more miserable, while making richer those already powerful; it creates a continuous danger of conflagration, and in the case of nuclear arms, it threatens to destroy all life from the face of the earth.” Synod of Bishops, Justice in the World (1971) 9.
“The arms race is an utterly treacherous trap for humanity, and one which ensnares the poor to an intolerable degree.” Vatican II, Church in the Modern World (1965) 81.
“The arms race is to be condemned as a danger, an act of aggression against the poor, and a folly which does not provide the security it promises. U.S. Bishops, The Challenge of Peace (1983) 128.

Reflections on the arms race.
a) Describe how the arms race does each of the following:
–It threatens man’s highest good, which is life.
–It makes poor peoples and individuals yet more miserable; it ensnares the poor to an intolerable degree; it is an act of aggression against the poor.
–It makes richer those already powerful.
–It creates a continuous danger of conflagration.
–It threatens, in the case of nuclear arms, to destroy all life from the face of the earth.
–It is a folly which does not provide the security if promises.

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