WAR and PEACE Catholic Teaching

May 11, 2009
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15. What is the relationship between peace and justice?

“Justice is always the foundation of peace.” U.S. Bishops, The Challenge of Peace (1983) 60.
“If you want peace, work for justice.” Pope Paul VI, World Day of Peace Message. (1972).
“Commitment to justice must be closely linked with commitment to peace in the modem world.” Pope John Paul II, On Human Work (1981) 2.
“It does no good to work for peace as long as feelings of hostility, contempt and distrust, as well as racial hatred and unbending ideologies, continue to divide men and place them in opposing camps.” Vatican II, Church in the Modern World (1965) 82.

Reflections on the relationship between peace and justice.
a) What do you think working for justice has to do with peace?
b) What happens when we try to build peace on a foundation other than justice?

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