UPDATE GE in 2013-15

August 28, 2014
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UPDATE: GE in 2015

In this new series, I regularly update the applied ethical issues, creating hyperlinks to newspaper articles that could be used in class discussion, or to give the examples which examienrs love.

Genetic Engineering Breakthrough

Ind Nov 7th 2013 A breakthrough in genetics – described as “jaw-dropping” by one Nobel scientist will transform the ability to edit the genomes of all living organisms, including humans. For the first time, scientists are able to engineer any part of the human genome with extreme precision using a revolutionary new technique called Crispr, which has been likened to editing the individual letters on any chosen page of an encyclopedia without creating spelling mistakes. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/exclusive-jawdropping-breakthrough-hailed-as-landmark-in-fight-against-hereditary-diseases-as-crispr-technique-heralds-genetic-revolution-8925295.html?origin=internalSearch

GM crops get legal status in EU

Ind June 13 2014 GM crops could be planted in UK by next year, but critics say it will damage the environment. http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/gm-crops-could-be-planted-in-uk-from-next-year-as-eu-relaxes-laws-9535139.html?origin=internalSearch

US scientists engineer Spanish flu virus

Ind June June 2014 American scientists recreate 1918 Spanish flu virus that killed 50 million people after the second world war. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/american-scientists-controversially-recreate-deadly-spanish-flu-virus-9529707.html?origin=internalSearch

Mice walk again after stem cell implants

Ind May 2014 Spectacular results as mice with genetically engineered Multiple Sclerosis walk again after human stem cells transplanted into them. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/mice-crippled-with-ms-are-made-to-walk-again-with-breakthrough-cure-9380741.html?origin=internalSearch

Embryonic stem cells create sperm

Ind May 1st 2014 A study has found that it is possible to convert skin cells into the male “germ cells”, which are responsible for sperm production in the testes, using an established technique for creating embryonic stem cells using a form of genetic engineering. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/new-infertility-treatment-could-grow-sperm-from-skin-cells-9312674.html?origin=internalSearch

Franken-skeeter fights Brazilian dengue disease

Ind April 11th 2014 Last year Brazil reported 1.4 million cases of dengue, for which there is no vaccine – the most severe form of the illness, dengue hemorrhagic fever, can lead to shock, coma and death. The so-called “Franken-skeeter” has been genetically modified (GM) in a laboratory with a gene designed to devastate the non-GM Aedes aegypti population and reduce dengue’s spread. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/worlds-biggest-swarm-of-genetically-modified-mosquitoes-released-in-brazil-9254211.html?origin=internalSearch

Muscles are grown in lab

Ind April 1st 2014 Duke scientists have grown the first ever living muscle that is as strong and self-healing as the real thing, paving the way for one day replacing damaged human tissue with a lab-grown substitute. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/scientists-create-the-first-labgrown-muscle-thats-as-strong-as-the-real-thing-9228175.html?origin=internalSearch

Nature evolves to eat GM crops

Ind March 20th 2014 In a Darwinan twist, nature has fought back against biotechnology, with rootworms now being able to stomach corn that was genetically modified to poison the pests. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/worm-evolves-to-eat-corn-that-was-genetically-engineered-to-kill-it-9199667.html?origin=internalSearch

Three parent children move a step closer

Daily Mail article discusses the possibility of three parent children moving closer to reality.


Chinese engineer a baby by altering the germline (May 2015)

The Guardian considers whether genetic manipulation of embryos can benefit the human race, and whether the risks are worth it, following news that Chinese scientists have successfully created a GE baby by this method. The ultimate goal of gene editing technologies is the capacity to make precise, controlled modifications to very specific areas of the genome. This would be a powerful ability. Gene editing unlocks access to an entirely novel way to fight disease which has been unreachable until now.


Child cured of leukaemia in first use of gene modification therapy (Nov 2015)

T-cells (A type of white blood cell that is of key importance to the immune system and is at the core of adaptive immunity) from a healthy donor are modified so they could potentially be given to hundreds of patients. Normally if T-cells from another person were injected into a recipient who was not a perfect match, they would recognise all of the recipient’s cells as foreign and attack them. To prevent this, Qasim’s team used gene editing to disable a gene in the donor cells that makes a receptor that recognises other cells as foreign.






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