You tube clips

I’m developing a Youtube menu by syllabus area to assist with starter activities and a more varied approach tot he study of ethics and Philosophy of Religion.  Please send me any suggestions for inclusion.  PMB

Richard Dawkins summarises Paley’s Design Argument. 1.07 mins

Richard Dawkins The Blind Watchmaker. 47 mins

Peter Singer interviewed by Richard Dawkins, exploring hostility to Singer’s version of utilitarian ethics. (First interview of 47 minutes)

Michael Sandel discusses the Utilitarian dilemma of the runaway trolley (a variant of Jim and the Indians – Bernard Williams’ famous example used in his objection to utilitarian ethics). 55 mins.

Michael Sandel discusses the theme of his recent book The Moral Limits of Markets.

Michael Sandel: is lying ever justified (link with Kant’s enquiring murderer).  55 mins.


Michael Sandel debates “Is modern eugenics wrong?” Should a deaf couple be able to choose a deaf child by genetic engineering?