Structure of Thought – Afterlife

Use this Roadmap to navigate through the site to dscover the logical connections between various ideas on the afterlife. Click on any word to hyperlink to a more detailed analysis.

January 2, 2018
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What happens when we die? On what basis are human beings to experience the afterlife – our faith, our actions, or just the verdict of a just and loving God? It’s not a simpe question. Christians have taken three views, and within the three there are different interpretations; resurrection (physical or spiritual body?), purgatory (a cleansing process pre judgement), and continuous soul-life after death (eternal life). St Paul argues strongly for resurrection (1 Corinthians 13) and John for eternal life (chiming with Luke 23:43 ‘today you will be with me in paradise”). A third possibility is a purgatorial state similar to Islam’s barzakh.


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