Specification H573/3 Jesus Christ

January 9, 2018
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2. Foundations: The person of Jesus Christ

The origins and development of Christianity, and the sources of wisdom on which it is based.

2.1 Content

• Jesus Christ’s authority as:
– the Son of God
– a teacher of wisdom
– a liberator

2.2 Knowledge

Jesus’ divinity as expressed in his:
– knowledge of God
– miracles
– resurrection
With reference to Mark 6:47–52 and John 9:1–41.

• Jesus’ moral teaching on:
– repentance and forgiveness
– inner purity and moral motivation
With reference to Matthew 5:17–48 and Luke 15:11–32.

Jesus’ role as liberator of the marginalised and the poor, as expressed in his:
– challenge to political authority
– challenge to religious authority
With reference to Mark 5:24–34 and Luke 10:25–37.

2.3 Issues as the basis of exam questions

Learners should have the opportunity to discuss issues related to Christian ideas regarding
Jesus Christ as a source of authority, including:
• whether or not Jesus was only a teacher of wisdom
• whether or not Jesus was more than a political liberator
• whether or not Jesus’ relationship with God was very special or truly unique
• whether or not Jesus thought he was divine

2.4 Suggested scholarly views, academic approaches and sources of wisdom and authority

Learners will be given credit for referring to any appropriate scholarly views, academic
approaches and sources of wisdom and authority, however the following examples may prove useful:
• McGrath, A. (2011) Theology: the Basics, Blackwell, Chapter 4
Theissen, G. (2010) The Shadow of the Galilean, SCM Press
Chapman, G. (1994) Catechism of the Catholic Church paras. 422–478


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