The Roadshow continues
October 25, 2012
In 2014-15 I will be taking the Pushme Roadshow to various locations sometimes with my colleague Andrew Capone. Why not consider getting together with one or two schools and asking me down to boost your revision or your understanding at any stage? I only charge £500 or £10 a head (whichever is greater) per roadshow, plus expenses (travel and accommodation if necessary) – materials in the form of a coursebook are free. Why not plan ahead for the next academic year?
A teacher who came to the Wells roadshow (February 2013) wrote the following report:
"From my perspective, I thought the interactive element of the day definitely made it stand out from other similar sessions we have attended. With such a small group, the students were forced to engage with the material – no one could sit in the back and snooze, and as a result they all gained a huge amount of understanding. One or two did admit to living with fear the whole day having been told they may be asked to act in front of the rest of the group, but it kept them on their toes. We have so far focussed on only individual elements, so gaining more of an overview, and seeing connections between different parts of the course is also really useful.
Having only attended the afternoon session, the part that stood out most for me was the discussion of "straw man" arguments. Getting the students to engage with evaluation is something I always struggle with, so actually acting them out (complete with giant mallet!) was a fascinating exercise, and I'm already trying to think of ways this could be applied to other theories (my prop box could contain some slightly strange items…)
Overall, it has the distinction of being the only seminar/conference I have ever attended with the sixth form where everyone came out saying it was useful and they got something out of the day. I think our students are increasingly being encouraged by Ofsted to only listen for minutes at a time, so this sort of day is definitely the way forward". (Sarah Savery, Blue School)
Students wrote:
"Extremely helpful, good overview, very useful for starting to revise." Ellie and Isla
"Better use of time than a Saturday night in Kudos" . Ford
"Mix of content and fun/entertainment just right to not get bored but still be informative". Luke
"Booklet provided was very helpful; didn't feel we had enough time to fully cover everything". Roo
"Lots of interaction kept our interest". Steve
"Comprehensive and constantly moving towards understanding". Grace