Past Questions: Science and Religion

March 2, 2012
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Science and Religion

June 2009 (Mark Scheme)

a). Explain the debate between Creationism and the Big Bang theory. [25]

b). ‘The big bang theory is believable than creationism’ Discuss. [10]

Jan 2010 (Mark Scheme)

a). Explain Darwinism and evolutionary theory. [25]

b).  ‘The universe is too complex for evolutionary theory to explain it’ Discuss. [10]

June 2010 (Mark Scheme)

a). Explain the concept of irreducible complexity. [25]

b). ‘There is no evidence of intelligent design in the universe’ Discuss. [10]

Jan 2011 (Mark Scheme)

a). Explain why some creationists do not believe in the big bang theory. [25]

b). ‘Scientists are the only ones who can explain why the universe is here’ Discuss. [10]

Jan 2012

a). Compare scientific and philosophical views on the creation of the universe. [25]

b). Evaluate the view that science can only explain how and not why the universe exists. [10]


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