Past Questions: – Just War

December 22, 2010
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Just War Theory is now one of the applied issues at AS (new spec). The others are abortion, euthanasia, genetic engineering and the right to a child. The best way to prepare for these is to make up a big grid, with the ethical theories down one side and the applied issues across the top. Any combination is possible (ethical theory and applied issue)…so be prepared! You will also find the same question in the ethical theory section of the website (eg the one below is also under Christian Ethics).

Specimen paper


4 (a)  Explain how religious ethics might be applied to issues of war and peace.  [25]

(b)  ‘A religious believer could never justify war’. Discuss.  [10]

Mark scheme


June 2010

a) Explain the ethical principles of the religion you have studied in relation to war. (25)

b) “War should not be allowed even as a last resort”. Discuss. (10) (G572 Q4)

Mark scheme

Examiner’s report

May 2011

a) Explain the theories of ethical and religious pacifism.  (25)

b)  Assess the claim that killing in war is more justifiable then other types of killing.  (10)  G572 Q3

Mark scheme


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