Note Taking
September 15, 2011
Take Notes
There are 8 proven ways to improve the quality of the notes that you take for A’ Level. The brain is wired in a specific way, so the quicker you realise this, the better your notes will be. In the end your overall grade at AS and A2 will greatly improve. Include as many (if not all) of the following techniques when making notes throughout the course:
1. Always use bullet points (large bodies of texts are no good for revising; it is intimidating for you and the brain to take in that much information from one block of text)
2. Always use highlighters (you will need three at the minimum. Be consistent with the way that you use them e.g.: choose one for a philosopher, one for key words and definitions and one for any general bits that you want to highlight in your own notes)
3. Always use different colors (have at least 3 different coloured pens. The brain is kept active and more alert when using different coloured pens e.g.: one colour for titles, one for key information and one for your general writing)
4. Use bold where you can (you can easily make key words or philosophers stand out by spending a few seconds going over the word or name several times until you get a bold effect. Again the brain and the eye respond better to this)
5. Use underlining when ever possible (by underlining things you will bring a piece of your text to the fore when applied correctly)
6. Use titles to break your work down (Use main titles for new topics and to differentiate between the descriptive part of a philosophers ideas AO1 and the criticisms of that particular idea at AO2)
7. Use diagrams or pictograms in your notes (use a small diagram in your notes or the margin to help you see a concept at a glance. A diagram needs to be well labelled with arrows linked with key words)
8. Use pictures (A picture paints a thousand words. This is an extension of your diagram but a picture doesn’t have any words. This can be a useful tool when taking notes)
Finally: Try to read when you are fresh. Take notes using the above techniques for around 25 mins at any one time. Once that time is up rest for 5 mins, get a drink (without fluid your brain will not be as effective) AND get the blood flow back to the brain by moving around (star jumps would do it!!!).