January 8, 2010
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Through the study of ethical theories and problems this theme deals with ethical questions at a number of levels. It is concerned with practical decision-making and the way people should conduct their lives. This theme considers such questions as: What kind of a person do I want to be? How do I decide if a particular action is right or wrong? Ethics entails a reflection on experiences such as friendship, hospitality and love. It leads to an examination of power in relationships. How should I treat other people?

The theme goes on to ask if there are fundamental moral principles that apply in every situation. If there are, can we apply such principles consistently? Is breaking a promise always wrong? Is a moral decision affected by the situation in which it is made? Could it sometimes be right to lie? As we take our thinking further we go beyond the search for principles on which to base our actions and ask questions about the meaning and nature of moral judgements: What do we mean when we say something is right or wrong, or good or bad? Finally, in this theme, a study of applied ethics seeks to discover a rational approach to thinking about three important issues: biomedical ethics, environmental ethics and animal rights.

Topics for Study

Principles for Moral Actions. Normative Ethics

. Moral principles: do they exist? Are they universal or relative to a particular
. Virtue ethics: are some virtues more important than others?
. Self-interest versus the interests of others (ethical egoism).
. Doing the right thing and doing the good thing (deontological versus teleological
. The greatest good of the greatest number: utilitarianism as a basis for moral action.

The Nature of Moral Judgements. Meta-ethics

. The origins and nature of moral values.
. Moral sense: innate or acquired? Relative or universal? Subjective or objective?
. What is the significance of calling something right or wrong?
. Is moral behaviour found only in human beings?

Applied Ethics

. Biomedical ethics. (Editor’s note: this corresponds to Genetic Engineering in this website).
. Environmental ethics.
. Animal rights.


Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6


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