Handout: Environmental Ethics

May 26, 2010
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Reading level 2: Environmental ethics

On the moral status of animals http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/moral-animal/

Reading level 2: (Bristol University undergraduate course)

What is the moral status of the environment? Many have argued that the environment is valuable only because it is useful to or valued by human beings. However, it has recently been argued that this view is anthropocentric and that a new environmental ethic is called for. The interesting question if anthropocentrism is rejected is how much stronger a view can be put in its place? Do only conscious or sentient beings such as animals have a moral status? What about other living things such as plants? What about collective entities such as species or ecosystems?

Attfield, R. The Ethics of Environmental Concern
Callicott, L.B. In Defence of the Land Ethic
Goodpaster K.E. and K.M. Sayre (eds.), Ethics and Problems of the 21st Century
Leopold, A. A Sand County Almanac
Norton, B. Why Preserve Natural Variety
Regan, T. (ed.), Earthbound: New Introductory Essays in Environmental Ethics
Taylor, P.W. Respect for Nature: A Theory of Environmental Ethics




Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


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