Film: clips – Kant
August 11, 2010
Remains of the Day Is duty dehumanising?
Anthony Hopkins plays a butler whose sense of duty to his master, Lord Darlington (a Nazi sympathizer) prevents him ever declaring his love for Miss Kenton, played by Emma Thompson. The point raised is whether duty kills our true humanity and turns us into cold, arid robots governed by rationalism rather than the flourishing of the whole personality (as suggested as a goal of eudaimonia in natural law and virtue ethics). Stevens fails to pursue the one woman with whom he could have had a fulfilling and loving relationship. His prim mask of formality cuts him off from intimacy, companionship, and understanding.
For quotes from the film, click here.
For You tube clip of the final meeting (2.38 mins) between Stevens and Miss Kenton (which can be contrasted with a deleted ending (1.06 mins) where Miss Kenton is more direct about her love).