Extract 3: Determinism, Eugenics and Winesses in History

November 26, 2009
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In these three extracts we have insights into how eugenics, the theory of genetic inferiority and breeding for a superior race, gained a foothold around the world with its pseudo-scientific basis originating in the work of Francis Galton. In the first extract, survivors of the Nazi forced euthanasia and sterilisation programme witness to the cruelty of this policy. In the second, recent mass murders can be seen to be influenced by eugenics. And the final extract spells out the implications of the first of the 35 states to implement eugenics laws in the states, Indiana in 1907, a policy which ended in some examples of vicious racism in the deep south (for example, the Mississipi appendectomies).

Pages: 1 2 3 4


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