Extract: Agape

November 17, 2015
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Fletcher maintains that the law for Christians is love, more specifically, agape. He says, “Agape is giving love–non-reciprocal, neighbor regarding–‘neighbor’ meaning ‘everybody,’ even an enemy” (79). Loving one’s neighbour is an important commandment for Christians. In fact, Jesus commands us to love one another. Love is the only intrinsic good and every means can only be made good with reference to the one end of love (the telos). Moreover, love and justice are the same – justice is love distributed. Love is relational, personal, sacrificial and practical. Rules exist only as rules of thumb and cannot be allowed to restrict the operation of love on a case-by-case basis. The one absolute rule – agape – therefore is made relative to every situation – and Fletcher calls this ‘principled relativism’.

Further: Agape, An Ethical Analysis, Gene Outka


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