Exam Questions

July 27, 2018
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Here is my list of possible future exam questions on this area of the specification. You should plan answers to these questions carefully and practise writing one or two. It’s highly likely that a question on this area of the specification will be close to one of these. If you need further help, or require regular tuition, please contact me – I have online tutors ready and able to help now at a fair hourly rate. I will be posting at least one fully marked answer from this section on the website during the autumn.

  1. Discuss critically the view that Christians can discover truths about God using human reason.
  2. “Faith is all that is necessary to gain knowledge of God.” Discuss.
  3. “God can be known because the world is so well designed.” Discuss.
  4. Critically assess the view that the Bible is the only way of knowing God.
  5. “Everyone has an innate knowledge of God’s existence.” Discuss.
  6. To what extent is faith in God rational?



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