Possible Exam Questions

July 27, 2018
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Here is my list of possible future exam questions on this area of the specification. Note than any question in the sample paper issued in 2017 ( see below) and the actual paper (eg June 2018) cannot be asked again.You should plan answers to these questions carefully and practise writing one or two. It’s highly likely that a question on this area of the specification will be close to one of these. If you need further help, or require regular tuition, please contact me – I have online tutors ready and able to help now at a fair hourly rate. I will be posting at least one fully marked answer for this section on the website during the autumn. Please send me any suitable essays and I will be pleased to mark any you are happy for me to post here. peter@peped.org

Gender & Society

  1. Christians should resist current secular views of gender” Discuss
  2. Evaluate the view that secular views of gender equality have undermined Christian gender roles
  3. “Motherhood liberates rather than restricts”. Discuss
  4. Critically evaluate the view that idea of family is entirely culturally determined.
  5. “Christianity follows where culture leads”. Discuss

Gender & Theology

Sample paper question 2017:

Assess whether Christianity and feminism are compatible. (OCR sample paper question 3)

OCR exam June 2018:

Assess the view that Mary Daly’s theology proves that Christianity is sexist. (OCR June 2018)

  1. ‘A male saviour cannot save’. Discuss with reference to the theologies of Rosemary Ruether and Mary Daly.
  2. “If God is male, the male is god’. Discuss
  3. Critically contrast the theologies of Ruether and Daly.
  4. “The Church is irrevocably patriarchal’. Discuss
  5. “God is genderless, and so the idea of the Father-God is idolatry”. Discuss
  6. “Only a spirituality of women can save the planet from environmental degradation and war’. Discuss



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