Ethics Reading

July 12, 2010
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This is a list of the best books I’ve found on ethics – of a more accessible kind. I haven’t included the standard A level textbooks.  Books are referred to in the text of the site by author, date and page rather than full title eg Arrington (1997:127).

Arrington Robert L. (1997) Western Philosophy (Wiley-Blackwell)

Barclay W. (1971) Ethics in a Permissive Society (Collins)

Billington R. (1991) Living Philosophy: An Introduction to Moral Thought (Routledge)

Cavalier, R., Goulinlock, J. and J. Sterba (eds.), Ethics in the History of Western Philosophy

Fletcher J. ( 1966) Situation Ethics (WJK)

Frankena W. (1973) Ethics ( Prentice-Hall )

Fumerton R., Jeske D. (2010) Introducing Philosophy through Film (Wiley-Blackwell)

Gensler H. (2006) Ethics: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge)

Gill R. (1997) A Handbook of Christian Ethics (T&T Clark)

Glover J. (1977) Causing Death and Saving Lives ( Penguin)

Hamilton C.H. (2003) Understanding Philosophy (Nelson-Thornes)

Jones G., Cardinal D., Hayward J., (2006) Moral Philosophy: A Guide to Ethical Theory (Hodder)

Kenny A. (1998) A Brief History of Western Philosophy (Wiley-Blackwell)

Korsgaard C. (1996) Creating the Kingdom of Ends (Cambridge)

Krausz, Melan (1982) Relativism Cognitive and Moral (Notre Dame)

Louden R. ( 1992) Morality and Moral Theory (Oxford)

Cavalier, R., Goulinlock, J. and J. Sterba (eds.), Ethics in the History of Western Philosophy

MacIntyre, A. A Short History of Ethics

MacIntyre A. (1981) After Virtue (Duckworth)

Mackie J.L. (1977) Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong (Penguin)

Morton A. (2004) Philosophy in Practice (Blackwell)

McInery R. (1997) Ethica Thomistica (The Catholic University of America Press)

Palmer M. (2005) Moral Problems (Lutterworth)

Pojman L . (2006) Ethics Discovering Right and Wrong (Wadsworth)

Pojman L. ed ( 2004) The Moral Law ( OUP )

Rachels J. (1986) The Elements of Moral Philosophy (OUP)

Raphael D.D. (1994) Moral Philosophy (OUP)

Scruton R. (2004 ) Modern Philosophy (Pimlico)

Singer P. (1991) A Companion to Ethics (Blackwell)

Singer P. (1989) Practical Ethics (Cambridge)

Smart J. & Williams B. (1973) Utilitarianism For and Against (Cambridge)

Steare R. (2006) Ethicability ( Steare publishing)

Stewart N. (2009) Ethics: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy (Polity)

Tannsjo T. (2002) Understanding Ethics (Edinburgh University Press)

Van Hooft S. (2006) Understanding Virtue Ethics (Acumen)

Vardy P. & Grosch P. (1999) The Puzzle of Ethics (Fount)

Wilcockson M. (2009) Medical Ethics

Wilcockson M. (2011) Social Ethics


Those authors in blue are specially recommended for A level students and are frequently quoted in the text of the coursebook which accompanies this website.


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