October 24, 2013 by

How one Professor teaches it

How one Professor teaches the subject Miller’s basic approach is to help students trace the development of a scientific theory, rather…

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October 24, 2013 by

Extract 3: John Polkinghorne

John Polkinghorne ‘Theism presents an adequately rich basis for understanding the world in that it readily accommodates the reality of a…

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October 24, 2013 by

Extract 2: Irreducible complexity demystified Peter Dunkelberg

How do we make sense of the concept of irreducible complexity? Here are the conclusions of a longer article by Peter…

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October 24, 2013 by

Extract 1: The Flagellum Unspun

The Flagellum Unspun Behe’s intelligent design argument is unravelling. Professor Kenneth Miller explains how. Here is the conclusion of a longer…

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October 3, 2013 by

Extract 5: Keith Ward on the ontological argument

Why There Almost Certainly Is A God Keith Ward puts the ontological argument in its correct place as a reminder of…

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March 6, 2013 by

Powerpoint: Problem of Evil

Peter Thistlethwaite provides a helpful outline of the theodicies of Augustine and Irenaeus.

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February 26, 2013 by

Essay: Cosmological Argument

Evaluate the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Cosmological Argument for Proving God Exists. (40) This essay, of A grade standard, has…

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February 22, 2013 by

Extract 4: Augustine and creatio ex nihilo

God creates out of nothing: Creatio ex nihilo Source: Robert Schneider The Greeks held that the cosmos had always existed, that…

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February 20, 2013 by

Article: Irreducible Complexity Dunkleberg

Pete Dunkleberg’s excellent article discussing the arguments for Irreducible Complexity (Michael Behe 1996) is reproduced by clicking here. His conclusion? “None…

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February 11, 2013 by

Powerpoint: Anselm’s Ontological Argument

The Ontological Argument Andrew Capone has produced a powerpoint with an excellent systematic treatment of Anselm ideal for a first attempt…

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