October 23, 2020 by

Essay: “There is no design in the universe” Discuss. (32/40 marks)

‘There is no design in the universe’. Discuss. Teleological arguments for the existence of God aim to demonstrate probability qua purpose…

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September 15, 2020 by

Summary: Norman Malcolm’s version of the ontological argument

Norman Malcolm’s Version source: Yulia Gorbotova (2014) Malcolm pointed out the second version of the ontological argument, “God is that, than…

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September 15, 2020 by

Essay – Ontological Argument

“It is impossible to argue for the existence of God from his attributes”. Discuss This essay was submitted by one of…

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September 15, 2020 by

Extract 7 Kant The Impossibility of the Ontological Argument

Critique of Pure Reason First Part, Second division, Book 2, Chapter 3, Section IV. Of the Impossibility of an Ontological Proof…

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May 18, 2020 by

Powerpoint – Problem of Evil

Andrew Capone discusses issues surrounding the existence of evil, and theological attempts to justify God’s goodness such as the free will…

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April 9, 2020 by

Extract – Evaluating Hick’s idea of Epistemic Distance

Hick’s Idea of Epistemic Distance Evaluated Epistemic distance develops from the view that it is perhaps possible that the universe is…

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October 16, 2018 by

Essay – Plato’s Theory of Knowledge

To what extent is Plato’s theory of the Forms a convincing theory of knowledge? “To what extent” is one of the…

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August 16, 2018 by

Extract 8 – Karl Barth’s Interpretation of the Ontological Argument

‘For I do not seek to understand that I may believe (intelligere ut credam) but I believe in order to understand…

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August 16, 2018 by

Activity – Ontological Argument

Answer the question at the end of these dialogues. Dialogue 1: How does your reply relate to Kant’s argument? Wizard: I…

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August 15, 2018 by

Extract – Bertrand Russell’s Criticism of the Forms

II. A Critique In Bertrand Russell’s The History of Western Philosophy (New York: Simon Schuster, 1972), pp.126-130. (NB: The word “idea” can be…

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