July 31, 2010 by

Introduction & Issues – Start Here

Meta-ethics Meta-ethics means “beyond ethics”, in other words, rather than asking whether an action is good or bad (normative ethics), meta-ethics…

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July 23, 2010 by

How to do Philosophy

How to do Philosophy Keeping in mind the following guidelines which should help you read with more insight and make the…

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July 20, 2010 by

Start Here: – Virtue ethics

In this section we begin by exploring Aristotle’s theory of Virtue Ethics, contained in Eudemian Ethics and Nichomachean Ethics, before examining…

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July 20, 2010 by

Weblinks and reading

For six excellent games to recap or revise based on ContentGenerator go to: http://www.rsrevision.com/games/alevel/humangeneticengineering.htm

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July 18, 2010 by

Extracts 1- 4: Virtue Ethics

These four extracts have been selected to illustrate different aspects of Virtue Ethics.  They relate to sections of Ethics – an…

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July 14, 2010 by

Weblinks and reading – virtue ethics

WEBLINKS – Virtue Ethics These hyperlinks allow you to research around the world at the touch of a button, and many…

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July 14, 2010 by

Weblinks – abortion

WEBLINKS – abortion The index of hyperlinks on abortion from San Diego University, Lawrence Hinman, has a wealth of research material….

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July 13, 2010 by

Extract 5: Verdict of history – David Newsome on the legacy of Utilitarianism

Paradoxes of the Utilitarian position The historian David Newsome explains the legacy, and the paradoxes, of the Utilitarian position – still…

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July 13, 2010 by

Weblinks and reading

Reading: Dialogue 6 (April 1996)  has a very useful overview by Rob Cook entitled Determinism and Free Will (back copies are available…

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July 12, 2010 by

Extract: The selection at Auschwitz – Primo Levi

Primo Levi (1910-1987) was taken to Auschwitz in 1943 after joining the Italian partisans and being betrayed. One day whilst recovering in the…

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