March 8, 2011 by

Extract 2: Lynn White Origins of the Present Crisis

Lynn White’s essay was first published in 1967. In it she blames a certain branch of Christian Ethics for the unsustainable…

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March 8, 2011 by

Extract 1: Ethical Theories and the Environment

Traditional Ethical Theories and Contemporary Environmental Ethics Source: Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Although environmental ethicists often try to distance themselves from…

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March 8, 2011 by

Extract 3: Utilitarian Ethics and the Tragedy of the Commons

In his essay, The Tragedy of the Commons, Garrett Hardin (1968) looked at what happens when humans do not limit their…

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March 4, 2011 by

Workbook: Just War and Pacifism

workbook theories of war.pdf

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March 4, 2011 by

WORKBOOK Business Ethics

workbook_business_ethics PDF

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March 3, 2011 by

Extract 3: Nazi Euthanasia programme

In October of 1939 amid the turmoil of the outbreak of war Hitler ordered widespread “mercy killing” of the sick and…

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March 3, 2011 by

Extract 2: Saviour siblings – the Gregorys

Jason and Lesley Gregory has baby Michael to save their daughter Harriet. But are saviour siblings ethical? Harriet was born with…

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February 25, 2011 by

CASE STUDY 1 ppt Business Ethics and the Environment – Trafigura

business ethics PPT

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February 24, 2011 by

GLOBALISATION: Summary of Papal Encyclical

Kirk Hanson of Markkula University has a useful summary of the papal encyclical Caritas in Veritate, on Globalisation and the ethical…

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February 24, 2011 by

CASE STUDY: Saviour siblings

For an excellent case study on the film My Sister’s Keeper go to: A powerpoint on the scientific background is…

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