May 8, 2011 by

Article 2: What is Philosophy?

James Gray is an American philosophy blogger who has written some very clear introductions to several major issues.  Here is his…

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May 8, 2011 by

Article: 1 What is intrinsic value?

James Gray is a very clear writer who has helpfully explained in very simple language what is meant by intrinsic goodness….

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May 8, 2011 by

Article: 1: The development of meta-ethics

James Gray is a very clear writer, I think, who has generously left some short ebooks online. He is a naturalist…

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May 5, 2011 by

Article: Three approaches to the free will debate

Here is possibly the clearest explanation of the free will/determinism debate I have ever read.  If you use Robert Bowie, you…

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May 4, 2011 by

Extract 7: Mill on the importance of character

Mill was deeply influenced by Aristotle.  It could be argued that Mill’s definition of happiness, which embraces goals, expectations and activity,…

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May 2, 2011 by

Extract 4: Prescriptivism

R.M. Hare (1919-2002) developed a theory of moral language called Prescriptivism (for a detailed discussion and consideration of the criticisms made…

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May 1, 2011 by

Extract 5: Caritas in Veritate (Love and Truth) 2009

The Roman Catholic Church has generally taken an anthropocentric (man-centred) view of environmental issues – arguing it is important as an…

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April 29, 2011 by

Advanced Article: Aristotle v MacIntyre

MacIntyre’s Virtue Ethics was first expressed in his book After Virtue which sought to rehabilitate Aristotelean Virtue Theory in the light…

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April 28, 2011 by

Article: 3 Is it impossible to apply the virtues?

In this short extract from the Stanford Encyclopaedia a leading modern virtue theorist, Rosalind Hursthouse, considers the criticism (mentioned by Louis…

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April 28, 2011 by

Article: Embryonic stem cells

This extract from the independent discusses a recent ruling that patents on embryonic stem cell research are immoral and illegal.…

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