June 15, 2011 by

Weblinks and READING

The whole of Geoffrey Klempner’s excellent course on business ethics – with many ideas which could be adapted for A level,…

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June 15, 2011 by

Article: (Level 2): Business Dilemmas

In this article Geoffrey Klempner argues for an objective basis for morality which is broadly Kantian – seeing my human interests…

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June 4, 2011 by

Advanced Article: Aquinas’ four concepts of law – Richard Jacobs


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May 31, 2011 by


For excellent advice from Bristol University to its undergraduates (who I guess have not been well served by our great Bristish…

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May 21, 2011 by

Advanced Article:Divine Command

In this article John Hare compares Divine Command Theory and Natural Law. His article is particularly strong on Aristotle’s argument about…

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May 17, 2011 by

Article: Divine Command Theory

Divine command theory argues that an act is obligatory if it is commanded by God. Divine command theory is widely criticized…

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May 17, 2011 by

Summary: Divine Command

Divine Command Theory Divine command theory (DCT) of ethics holds that an act is moral because God commands us to do…

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May 14, 2011 by

Article: Sleep walking to disaster?

Here’s a hyperlink to an excellent set of articles on the environmental issue. http://www.religioustolerance.org/environment.htm

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May 14, 2011 by

Article: Chris Farrow on Genetic Engineering

Click on this link for a number of articles and powerpoints by Chris Farrow. http://sites.google.com/site/farrowsthings/as-religious-studies/as-religious-ethics/applied-ethics/genetic-engineering

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May 12, 2011 by

Article: Peter Singer on IVF

Peter Singer argues that the morality of embryo wastage is no different to the use of contraception or celibacy – all…

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