March 2, 2012 by

Past Questions: God of Classical Theism

God of Classical Theism Jan 2010 (Mark Scheme) a). Explain the concept of ‘Creatio ex nihilo’ [25] b). ‘Nothing comes from…

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March 1, 2012 by

Handout: Teleological Argument

The handout below designed and written by Andrew Capone relates to the powerpoint on Anselm’s teleological argument and gives an excellent interactive…

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March 1, 2012 by

Powerpoint: Anselm’s Teleological Argument (AC)

Anselm’s Teleological Argument – by Andrew Capone PowerPoint: The Teleological Argument from Peped A Powerpoint on the Teleological Argument.

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February 27, 2012 by

Past Questions: Virtue Ethics

June 2010 G582 Q3 "The weaknesses of Virtue Ethics outweighs its strengths".  Discuss June 2011 G582 Q3 To what extent is…

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February 25, 2012 by

Past Questions: Environmental ethics

June 2009 Q4 "Relativist ethics are the best approach to the environment". Discuss (35) Jan 2010 G582 Q2 "Utilitarianism is not…

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February 11, 2012 by

Advanced Article: Bentham on prostitution and short term marriages

For a fascinating more advanced article on Bentham’s views of sexual ethics click below:

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February 6, 2012 by

Extract 6:Church of England reports on genetic engineering

Click on the link below for a full survey of current and past reports, with further links to documents:

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February 5, 2012 by

Extract 7: The intrinsic value of human life

The Bishop of Carlisle James Newcombe argues for the absolute principle of respect for human life:

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February 5, 2012 by

Extract 7: Archbishop’s letter on euthanasia

For a short podcast by George Pitcher against euthanasia go to: Telegraph letterMonday 29th June 2009 The joint faith leaders’…

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February 4, 2012 by

1.1 Sanctity Of Life: Roman Catholic Teaching

From the Encyclical Letter Mater et Magistra of Pope John XXIII, May 15, 1961 RESPECT FOR THE LAWS OF LIFE We…

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