December 12, 2012 by

Article 5: Possibility of resurrection Peter van Inwagen

The Possibility of Resurrection (1978) Peter van Inwagen For the complete article, click here. In an attempt to disprove the Aristotelian…

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December 12, 2012 by

Extract 3: Dawkins, memes, God, faith and altruism

From The Selfish Gene chapter 5 Memes The new soup is the soup of human culture.  We need a name for…

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December 12, 2012 by

Essay: ‘Plato is right to argue there’s life after death’

‘Plato was right to argue that there is life after death. Discuss.’ Plato was a dualist, meaning that he believed that…

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December 12, 2012 by

Article 4: Models of Life After Death

In this article Eric Olson of Sheffield University discusses various models of life after death, including the body-snatching model and the…

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December 12, 2012 by

Video: John Hick’s replica theory

John Hick Replica Theory Here is a fun cartoon explainingJ ohn Hick’s replica theory (2 mins). John Hick explains different aspects…

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December 11, 2012 by

Article 3: Gilbert Ryle Descartes’ legacy

Here is the opening chapter of Gilbert Ryle’s classic work The Concept of Mind, where he discusses the legacy of Cartesian…

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December 10, 2012 by

Extract 7: Hume and Jesus’ resurrection

Hume and Jesus’ resurrection Source: Hume’s argument against miracles makes its case against miracles on the grounds 1) that one must…

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December 9, 2012 by

Extract 6: Maurice Wiles – Miracles as immoral acts

Immoral Acts Maurice Wiles (1929 – 2005), former Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University and former chairman of the Church…

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December 9, 2012 by

Extract 5: Wittgenstein Miracles as gesture

Miracles as Gesture Source: Internet Encylopaedia of Philosophy This leaves open the question of how we are to identify an event…

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December 4, 2012 by

Article: Miracles and the Laws of Nature

Miracles and the laws of nature First printed in Compass, Winter 2007 and reproduced with permission. Introduction Evolutionary biology points to…

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