March 20, 2013 by

Article: Theological Determinism William Rowe

In this extract from Wiliam Rowe’s classic textbook (Wadsworth 2001) he explains the relationship between foreknowledge, predestination and human freedom. Here…

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March 17, 2013 by

Essay: Life after Death Resurrection and dualism

Life after Death Resurrection and dualism Compare, contrast and discuss two of the following terms: Reincarnation, Rebirth, Resurrection and Immortality of the…

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March 16, 2013 by

Article: Theological Determinism, Calvin and Catholic views

Here is an interesting article contrasting Catholic and Calvinist ideas of predestination. It's about time Theological Determinism came up in the…

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March 16, 2013 by

Powerpoint: Christian Life After Death

Christian Life After Death PowerPoint: Christian Life After Death from Peped A Powerpoint on the Christian concept of Life After Death…

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March 10, 2013 by

Article: Free will and autonomy Victor Stenger

In this article Victor Stnger, a physicist, counters Sam Harris' claim that are wills are fully determined and so there can…

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March 9, 2013 by

Extract 7: Key terms in Sartre’s philosophy of freedom

SARTRE SUMMARY 1. EXISTENCE PRECEDES ESSENCE. "Freedom is existence, and in it existence precedes essence." This means that what we do,…

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March 9, 2013 by

Article: Morality -objective or cultural?

In this article by Jesse Prinz, an American academic, in the journal Philosophy Now, the issue of whether reltivism is true…

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March 9, 2013 by

Article: BANK Everything you need

In this useful link Ted Honderish has brought togther every article you might need to investigate the free will debate from…

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March 9, 2013 by

Advanced Article: Compatibilism PF Strawson Freedom and Resentment

Compatibilism as a view that freedom and determinism can be reconciled has a long history dating back to Thimas Hobbes (leviathan)…

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March 9, 2013 by

Advanced Article:Hume’s compatibilism

In this brilliantly clear and well-argued article Paul Russell of the University of British Columbia considers the nature of Hume's compatibilism….

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