August 28, 2014 by

Essay: Natural Law and Abortion

a. Explain how a follower of Natural Law Theory might approach the issues surrounding abortion (25) b ‘Natural Law has no…

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August 27, 2014 by

Guidelines: Teleological/deontological questions

a) Explain the differences between deontological and teleological approaches to ethical decision making. June 2012 Q4 (25 marks) In this series…

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August 27, 2014 by

Article: The Puzzle of Relativism

The Puzzle of Relativism I wrote this article for Dialogue Magazine (Spring 2011). In it I explain that relativism has three…

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December 13, 2013 by

Article: Ethical issues in Genetic Modification

In this Faraday paper John Bryant explores the ethcial issues underlying geentic modification.

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November 11, 2013 by

Essay: Matthew Livermore on Life After Death

Life After Death Matthew is a teacher of philosophy and a master at crafting highly analytical answers. In this example, he…

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October 29, 2013 by

EXERCISE: Alton’s Oxford Debate

David Alton is a well-known opponent of euthanasia. Here is the text of his speech at the Oxford Union, opposing the…

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October 29, 2013 by

Advanced Article: Grisez on Natural Law and Wisdom

Click here for a detailed examination of the role of practical wisdom in natural law theory, by Germaine Grisez.

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October 28, 2013 by

EXTRACT 8: Brian Magee Terror of Determinism

‘The more I thought about time and space, the more the problems proliferated. One thing that came to puzzle me very…

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October 24, 2013 by

Extract 4: Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein The following article by Albert Einstein appeared in the New York Times Magazine on November 9, 1930 pp 1-4….

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October 24, 2013 by

Extract 3: John Polkinghorne

John Polkinghorne ‘Theism presents an adequately rich basis for understanding the world in that it readily accommodates the reality of a…

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