August 11, 2015 by

Extract 6: R.M.Hare – Kant and utilitarianism

COULD KANT HAVE BEEN A UTILITARIAN? RM Hare [An extract from Sorting out ethics, ©1997 RM Hare, ISBN 0-19-823727-8 Published by…

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August 11, 2015 by

Extract 5: The Milgram Experiments (1961)

Reproduced in the 1979 film I as in Icarus and the 2007 documentary Ghosts of Abu Ghraib. The experiments began in…

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August 11, 2015 by

Advanced Article: Kant’s Practical Reason

Extract from Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy Kant’s Account of Reason First published Fri Sep 12, 2008 Two of the most prominent…

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July 14, 2015 by

Article: Dawkins On Swinburne

Richard Swinburne’s ‘Is there a God?’ It is a virtue of clear writing that you can see what is wrong with a…

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July 14, 2015 by

Article: Irreducible Complexity Demystified by Pete Dunkelberg

Irreducible Complexity A new term, irreducibly complex, (IC) has been introduced into public discussions of evolution. The term was defined by…

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July 9, 2015 by

Situation ethics workbook

Download as a word document or pdf: situation_ethics_workbook DOC situation_ethics_workbook PDF

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July 9, 2015 by

Advanced Article: Moral Relativism

Advanced Article: Moral Relativism RELATIVISM In this article Allen Wood of Harvard University argues that, at best, relativism can challenge my…

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July 8, 2015 by

WORKBOOK Virtue Ethics

WORKBOOK OF ETHICS:  VIRTUE ETHICS     Define the following:                         Virtue (arête)                            Character (ethos)    …

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July 8, 2015 by

Article: Robert Bowie A discussion of Pope Benedict on conscience

Pope Benedict on conscience In this article Robert Bowie, author of the textbook Ethical Studies discusses the views of Pope Benedict…

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July 8, 2015 by

Article: Conscience and Truth Pope Benedict on Conscience

Conscience and Truth Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict) Presented at the 10th Workshop for Bishops February 1991 Dallas, Texas In the…

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