November 17, 2015 by

Article: Why Jesus Wasn’t a Situationist

source Jesus and Situation Ethics In his book, The Christian New Morality, O. Sydney Barr stated that “The new morality is…

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Roadmap: Situation Ethics

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November 15, 2015 by

Advanced Article: Conscience – a Historical Perspective

Conscience: Reformation and After source I. Sequent Conscience. The aspect of conscience earliest noticed in literature and most frequently referred to…

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November 14, 2015 by

Ripples of Grief

One death diminishes all of us, and the tragic and senseless murders in Paris yesterday (November 13th 2015) send ripples of…

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November 14, 2015 by

Extract 10: Wittgenstein’s Language Games

source Giles Fraser, Guardian Many of us have a dim and distant memory of early childhood gaffes with words, of those occasions…

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November 14, 2015 by

Article 4: The Meaningfulness of Religious Language (Falsification)

The Meaningfulness of Religious Language MS Bolden source One of the interesting aspects of Flew’s theory of falsification is that…

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November 14, 2015 by

Essay Guidelines: God Talk is Evidently Nonsense

source: Royal Latin School ‘God-talk is evidently nonsense’ – A.J. Ayer Paragraph A Basic Content / Argument Not only can God…

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November 14, 2015 by

Article 3: The Myth Of God Incarnate

source John Hick, a renowned British philosopher of religion began to be interested in the world religions and dialogue with their…

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November 13, 2015 by

The UK Law on Genetic Engineering

source United Kingdom Is sex selection legal? British law says that parents are only able to select the sex of their…

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November 13, 2015 by

Abortion Law is Discrimatory

Since the 1967 Abortion Act women in Northern Ireland have been denied the right to an abortion. The Northern Irish MPs…

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