October 27, 2016 by

Jesus as Son of God Mark 6: 47-52

Mark 6:47-52New International Version (NIV) 47 Later that night, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone…

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October 14, 2016 by

Video Euthanasia – is there a religious case for assisted dying?

Dr Jonathan Romain argues so – and cites Archbishop Desmond Tutu as a supporter. Source This supposedly monolithic religious opposition has…

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September 30, 2016 by

Activity: Restored and Unrestored painting for Imago Dei

Calvin suggests that no part of the divine beauty is unnaffected by the stain and corruption of sin. Compare these two…

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September 30, 2016 by

Extract: John Calvin on The Image of God

John Calvin on the image of God (Commentary on Genesis) Since the image of God had been destroyed in us by…

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September 29, 2016 by

Article: Christ Prises us from the World

Restoration of the Original Order and Purpose through the Death of Christ source:http://archive.churchsociety.org/churchman/documents/Cman_105_2_Hallett.pdf Consider this plan of redemption and how it…

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September 28, 2016 by

Handout: Knowledge of God

Knowledge of God Knowledge of God presents a particular difficulty for us because the knowledge we might be claiming is not…

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September 28, 2016 by

Article: Hume’s rejection of Paley’s Argument from Design

Hume’s criticism of the Design Argument Jeff Speaks source: https://www3.nd.edu/~jspeaks/courses/mcgill/201/Hume-Dialogues.pdf Hume’s criticism of the attempt to ground religion in the design argument…

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September 27, 2016 by

Biblical Quotations – Knowledge of God

A note on the use of biblical references in OCR essays: There is NO expectation that you need to quote the…

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September 27, 2016 by

Activity Can God be Known through Reason Alone?

source: Jimmy MacBounds Whether or not God can be known through reason alone is one of the key issues OCR wants…

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September 26, 2016 by

Extract Matthew 25 Parable of Sheep and the Goats

The OCR syllabus recommends we study Matthew 25. This passage is problematic for evangelicals who follow the reformation tradition that we…

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