September 7, 2017 by

John Hick and the Pluralist Hypothesis

The pluralist position put forward by John Hick has been  one of the most significant and influential philosophical approaches to religious…

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September 7, 2017 by

Religious Pluralism and Hermeneutics

Hermeneutic approaches to religious diversity take seriously both the deep divergences between different religious traditions and the idea that diverse religions’…

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August 11, 2017 by

Presentation – Religious Pluralism and Society

Can members of different faiths live and work peacefully together? What is inter-faith dialogue? Can Christians cope with living in multi faith communities?

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August 11, 2017 by

Presentation – Jesus Christ

We are going to consider the ways in which Jesus Christ has authority such as a moral teacher, liberator of the oppressed and as Son of God.

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July 5, 2017 by

Summary Sexism and God Talk Ruether

The Feminist Theology of Rosemary Ruether: A Challenge to Pope Francis James J. Bacik To receive my Sunday Meditations, send your…

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July 5, 2017 by

Extract – Daly’s Promethean Journey

Mary Daly expropriates ancient myths such as the myth of Prometheus and reworks them to encourage the creative force within the…

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July 4, 2017 by

Article – Mary Daly’s Eschatological Vision

“Patriarchy perpetuates its deception through myth” Mary Daly How can we be saved? Daly’s response to this question is drawn from…

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July 4, 2017 by

Extract Mulieris Dignitatem

Commentary and Introduction Mulieris Dignitatem (the Dignity of Women) explains a Catholic Response to the Women’s movement as it entered its…

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July 3, 2017 by

Article The Theology of Mary Daly

THEOLOGICAL METHOD source Daly hates method. She calls for the end of “methodolatry, in which a preconceived system dictates the choices…

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June 29, 2017 by

Article – Mary Daly and the Male Saviour

Mary Daly and the Male Saviour JM Wood In Daly’s discussion on the doctrine of Jesus, she claims that it confirms…

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