March 5, 2018 by

Extract – Mary Daly and the Name of God

source From Stanford Encyclopedia, Feminist Philosophy of Religion, by Mary Frankelbury, Dartmouth College The early Daly carved out a philosophy of…

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March 5, 2018 by

Extract Ruether and the Prophetic Tradition

Here is the opening part of an article by Rosemary Ruether which illustrates quite well how she appeals to the prophetic/liberating…

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March 5, 2018 by

Extract- The Isaiah Vision

Isaiah presents a vision of people and a land redeemed from oppression and violence – a new age of well-being. Part…

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March 3, 2018 by

Handout: Feminism of Daly and Ruether

Gender and Theology Background Paradoxically, Christianity presents itself as a prophetic movement of liberation and belief in a new heaven and…

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February 24, 2018 by

Article – The Secular Age Charles Taylor

source In the final chapters of the book, Taylor explores where he believes Christianity is heading by painting his broad impressions…

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February 19, 2018 by

Article – The Death Drive in Freud

Source A century ago, Freud proposed the conception of mind structure models consisting of the following three components: the id (unconscious/instinctual…

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February 17, 2018 by

Article – the Kantian Noumenal Realm

source Kant initiated his own “Copernican revolution” when he challenged philosophers with a new theory of knowledge. The human mind contains…

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February 14, 2018 by

Extract – Ego, Id and Superego

Conscience as  Conflict 1. As the id is primitive (infantile), and in a sense compulsive part of the psyche, and driven…

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February 12, 2018 by

Article Plato’s Charioteer and Human Nature

source What is a man? What sort of man should I be? What does it mean to live a good life?…

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February 2, 2018 by

Article: A Critique of Hick

source A Critique of Hick by an evangelical pastor Hick shows some inconsistencies and ambiguities in his method. On the one…

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