September 29, 2017 by

Extract – Secular Morality and the New Atheism

source The New Athiests, such as Sam harris, Danuel Dennett and Richard Dawkins are not relativists. They believe in universal moral…

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September 28, 2017 by

Extract – A Summary of Charles Taylor’s Secularisation Thesis

source Charles Taylor reminds us that secularisation has several meanings – you can be a secular society where church and state…

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September 28, 2017 by

Extract – Vatican II on secularisation

In the Constitution on the Church in the World Today (1962): “The freedom of the Church is the fundamental principle in…

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September 28, 2017 by

Extract – Karl Rahner and Inclusivism

source Probably the best known Christian proponent of this inclusivist perspective is Karl Rahner. Christianity, he argues, cannot recognize any other…

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September 28, 2017 by

Extract – Willliam Alston Defends Exclusivism

source William Alston represents an even more charitable response to exclusivism. His perspective is based on what he sees as a…

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September 27, 2017 by

Extract – Religionless Christianity, Bonhoeffer

A few more words about “religionless.” I expect you remember Bultmann’s essay on the “demythologizing” of the New Testament? My view…

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September 27, 2017 by

Extract – Religionless Christianity Bonhoeffer’s Letter from Prison

What is bothering me incessantly is the question what Christianity really is, or indeed who Christ really is, for us today….

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September 26, 2017 by

Extract – An Open Letter to Mary Daly by Audre Lorde

The following letter was written to Mary Daly, author of Gyn/Ecology,* on May 6, 1979. Four months later, having received no…

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September 23, 2017 by

Extract The Curse of Patriarchal Anthropology

Patriarchal anthropology has come perilously close to seeing women as the cause of sin in the world. From ancient to modern…

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September 21, 2017 by

Extract – God Returns to Europe

source The highbrow monthly Prospect put it more bluntly in its November cover story: “God returns to Europe.” One might cheekily…

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