January 2, 2018 by

Extract – John’s Gospel in Eternal Life

source Eternal Life in the Gospel of John The core truth is encapsulated in John’s summary of the gospel: “For God…

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January 2, 2018 by

Extract – Paul on Resurrection

The Resurrection of Christ 15 Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you,…

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January 2, 2018 by

Extract – Aquinas on Purgatory

It is said (2 Maccabees 12:46): “It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may…

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December 30, 2017 by

Suggested Reading Richard Swinburne Coherence of Theism Ch 12

source God is immutable in his basic character, but this does not mean that he cannot change at all. He is…

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December 30, 2017 by

Suggested Reading – Anselm Prosologion 2

source Anselm’s argument about God’s eternal timeless nature begins at the same point as his ontological argument: in the statement that…

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December 28, 2017 by

Extract 12 Aquinas on Analogy – IEP

source Analogical Language Aquinas argues that the when terms are used to describe God and his attributes, those terms are used…

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December 27, 2017 by

Extract Marxist Praxis

source The Philosophy of Praxis Marxism is not, as the Austro-Marxist Rudolf Hilferding put it, “an objective, value-free science”[77] without any…

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December 26, 2017 by

Extract Gustavo Guitterez on Liberation

source “I hope my life tries to give testimony to the message of the Gospel, above all that God loves the…

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December 26, 2017 by

Extract Leonardo Boff on Ecology and Liberation

The most threatened beings in creation: the poor source We now need to bring together these two types of discourse, that…

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December 8, 2017 by

Extract 5: Ethical Naturalism

source Introduction Ethical Naturalism (or Naturalistic Ethics) is the meta-ethical doctrine that there are objective moral properties of which we have empirical knowledge, but that…

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