March 5, 2018 by

Extract – Dualisms in Religious Thought

source classical theism in turn reinforced and sanctioned the philosophical valorization of mind, reason, and male over and against body, passion,…

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March 5, 2018 by

Extract – Mary Daly and the Name of God

source From Stanford Encyclopedia, Feminist Philosophy of Religion, by Mary Frankelbury, Dartmouth College The early Daly carved out a philosophy of…

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March 5, 2018 by

Extract Ruether and the Prophetic Tradition

Here is the opening part of an article by Rosemary Ruether which illustrates quite well how she appeals to the prophetic/liberating…

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March 5, 2018 by

Extract- The Isaiah Vision

Isaiah presents a vision of people and a land redeemed from oppression and violence – a new age of well-being. Part…

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February 14, 2018 by

Extract – Ego, Id and Superego

Conscience as  Conflict 1. As the id is primitive (infantile), and in a sense compulsive part of the psyche, and driven…

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February 2, 2018 by

Poem The Blind Men and the Elephant

Blind Men and the Elephant – A Poem by John Godfrey Saxe Song by Natalie Merchant Here is John Godfrey Saxe’s…

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January 29, 2018 by

Extract An Evangelical responds to Secularism

Jerry Solomon relfects on Secularism Secularism permeates virtually every facet of life and thought. What does it mean? We need to…

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January 29, 2018 by

Extract An Evangelical responds to Pluralism

Evangelical Minister Jerry Solomon considers Pluralism from a Christian perspective Pluralism and secularism are two prominent words that describe contemporary American…

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January 19, 2018 by

Why I like Freud by William Matthews (poet)

source Well, I’m unqualified to admire Freud as a clinician. I admire Freud as a writer, as someone who’s interested in…

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January 2, 2018 by

Extract – The New Heaven and New Earth

VI. THE HOPE OF THE NEW HEAVEN AND THE NEW EARTH 1042 At the end of time, the Kingdom of God…

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