February 18, 2010 by

Extract 1: Veritatis Splendor 1995 Encyclical

Veritatis Splendor 1995 Veritatis Splendor (1995) strikes a more conservative note after the liberalization of the catholic Church after Vatican II…

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November 26, 2009 by

Extract 3: Determinism, Eugenics and Winesses in History

In these three extracts we have insights into how eugenics, the theory of genetic inferiority and breeding for a superior race,…

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November 21, 2009 by

Extract 6: Debate Hume with Locke

A dialogue with Locke on freedom of the will : Hume, An Essay concerning Human Understanding Locke: ‘so far as a…

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November 18, 2009 by

Extract 1: Brave New World and soma

David Pearce reviews Brave New World on www.huxley .net J.J. Smart produces the example of a pleasure machine in his book…

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July 21, 2009 by

Extract Eric Fromm on conscience as disobedience

On Disobedience – Erich Fromm Eric Fromm ived through the Holocaust and in his books he sought to explain how people…

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October 12, 2008 by

Extract 1: Dawkins and determinism

Is Richard Dawkins (The Selfish Gene) a determinist? Note: this article is based on the Channel 4 programme broadcast with Richard…

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October 10, 2008 by

Extract 10: James Rachels why friendliness is a natural law principle

Extract: James Rachels Friendliness and Natural Law  Elements of Moral Philosophy (McGraw-Hill 1993:50) By linking goodness to natural purpose (something which is…

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October 9, 2008 by

Extract Divine Command The Chicago satement on Biblical Inerrancy

  The Chicago Statementon Biblical Inerrancy     NOTE: This was the statement that launched the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy,…

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October 9, 2008 by

Extract 2: Humanae Vitae 1968

Humanae Vitae 1968  Pius VI Interpreting the Moral Law 4. This kind of question requires from the teaching authority of the…

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October 7, 2008 by

Extract Thoreau on conscience

Extract: Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 62)   On the Duty of Civil Disobedience The practical reason why a majority is…

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