October 5, 2012 by

Extract 1: John Hick on soul-making

Hick on soul-making In this extract from Philosophy of Religion (1963) pages 44–46 John Hick adopts a negative theodicy by arguing…

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October 4, 2012 by

Extract 2: John Hare – The Moral Argument

 The Moral Gap  by John E. Hare (pages 91-2) According to Kant, Spinoza will constantly experience the lack of fit between what…

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October 4, 2012 by

Extract 1: JL Mackie’s objections to Kant’s Moral Argument

JL Mackie – The Miracle of Theism (pages 110-115) But in whichever of these ways we interpret his conclusion, Kant’s argument…

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October 2, 2012 by

Extract : Marc Fonda’s notes on James

Mark Fonda has provided this note-form version of William James’ Varieties of Religious Experience.  You can scan down and find the…

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October 1, 2012 by

Extract 2: Richard Swinburne on Miracles

For the Possibility of Miracles Richard Swinburne I shall take the question in two parts. I shall enquire first whether…

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October 1, 2012 by

Extract 1: David Hume Miracles

Though experience be our only guide in reasoning concerning matters of fact; it must be acknowledged, that this guide is…

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September 11, 2012 by

Extract 4: Hick Parable of the Celestial City

John Hick’s Parable of the Celestial City The parable points to the possibility of eschatological verification, whereby in the next life…

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September 11, 2012 by

Extract 3: Hare and Mitchell – paranoid lunatic and the stranger parables

source RM Hare – The Parable of the Paranoid Lunatic A certain lunatic is convinced that all dons want to murder…

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September 11, 2012 by

Extract 1: Flew and Parable of the Garden

source  Parable of the Garden First told by John Wisdom and then adapted by Anthony Flew. Let us begin with a…

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February 6, 2012 by

Extract 6:Church of England reports on genetic engineering

Click on the link below for a full survey of current and past reports, with further links to documents: http://www.churchofengland.org/our-views/medical-ethics-health-social-care-policy/hfea.aspx

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