October 27, 2012 by

Extract 4: Kleiman on universal values

On Morality by Lowell Kleiman If by “morality” we mean a code of conduct that is universally valid, then the basic…

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October 21, 2012 by

Extract 3: Kant’s response to the OA

Kant’s Background to the Ontological Argument Source: Scandalon Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) does not seem to show familiarity with Anselm’s version of the…

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October 9, 2012 by

Extract 6: The Language of Morals

R. M. Hare, The Language of Morals (1952) 4. DECISIONS OF PRINCIPLE 4. 1. There are two factors which may be involved…

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October 7, 2012 by

Extract: James on Conversion (Lecture IX)

Lecture IX William James, Varieties of Religious Experience Conversion is particularly important in certain religious traditions such as Pietism (followed by…

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October 6, 2012 by

Extract 1: Van Inwagen Doubts about Darwinism

Doubts about Darwinism Source: Leaderu AT THIS SYMPOSIUM we have been asked to speak on the following thesis: Darwinism and neo-Darwinism…

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October 6, 2012 by

Extract 1: Anselm’s Proslogion

Selections from Anselm’s proslogion For a logical reconstruction of Anselm’s argument click here. Chapter I: A Rousing of the Mind to the Contemplation…

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October 6, 2012 by

Extract 2: Gaunilo’s Reply

Selections from Gaunilo’s Response to Anselm A reply to the foregoing by a certain writer on behalf of the fool…

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October 6, 2012 by

Extract: Russell and Coplestone debate Religious Experience

Russell And Copletstone Debate Source: bringyou.to C: Let’s. Well, perhaps I might say a word about religious experience, and then we can…

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October 6, 2012 by

Extract: Stace on mystical experiences

Stace on mystical experiences Review by Tim Knepper, 2001 Stace, Walter T. Mysticism and Philosophy. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1960. The following review of…

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October 5, 2012 by

Extract 5: AJ Ayer God talk is nonsense

‘God-talk is evidently nonsense’ — AJ Ayer in Davies B (editor) — Philosophy of Religion: a guide and anthology (OUP, 2000)…

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