November 24, 2012 by

Extract 9: Is truth relative? A Dialogue between Socrates and Protagoras

IS TRUTH RELATIVE? (A dialogue between Socrates and Protagoras) Protagoras: Truth is relative. It is only a matter of opinion. Socrates:…

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November 24, 2012 by

Extract 3: Omnipotence, God and the heavy stone

Power without self-contradiction Source: Can God do anything and everything? Certain medieval theologians and later philosophers such as Rene Descartes argued…

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November 23, 2012 by

Extract 4: Omniscience

Omniscience In this extract God’s omniscience is defined and considered by two scientists.  For the full article, click here. God’s omniscience…

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November 23, 2012 by

Extract 2: McInery on Aquinas and Omnipotence

Click here for a very clear article on Aquinas and Peter Geach’s responce to Aquinas by Ralph McInery a notable Aquinas…

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November 23, 2012 by

Extract 1: Omnipotence

Omnipotence Source: Catholic Encylopaedia Omnipotence is the power of God to effect whatever is not intrinsically impossible. These last words of…

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November 17, 2012 by

Extract 4: Descartes Argument Meditation 5

Summary of Meditation 5 Summary Of Descartes’ Argument Having proved God exists and is not a deceiver, Descartes turns next to…

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November 13, 2012 by

Extract 1: RM Hare considers the principle of ends

Is Kantian ethics compatible with utilitarianism?  Sorting Out Ethics R.M.Hare pages 153-5 RM Hare argues in this extract that much…

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November 13, 2012 by

Extract 5: Paul Ramsey on love and justice

Joseph Fletcher quotes Paul Ramsey's Basic Christian Ethics in a number of places, calling it " a brilliant exposition of the…

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November 13, 2012 by

Extract 4: The Grand Inquisitor

Joseph Fletcher mentions the Grand Inquisitor in his book Situation Ethics.  "It is Ivan's story to Alyosha about the terrible burden…

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November 7, 2012 by

Extract 5: Catholic Church on Genetic Engineering

Catholicism and Genetic Science from Acta Apolosticae, Pope Pius XII (1952) Genetic testing, screening, genetic counselling, and gene patenting are emerging…

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