December 10, 2012 by

Extract 7: Hume and Jesus’ resurrection

Hume and Jesus’ resurrection Source: Hume’s argument against miracles makes its case against miracles on the grounds 1) that one must…

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December 9, 2012 by

Extract 6: Maurice Wiles – Miracles as immoral acts

Immoral Acts Maurice Wiles (1929 – 2005), former Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University and former chairman of the Church…

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December 9, 2012 by

Extract 5: Wittgenstein Miracles as gesture

Miracles as Gesture Source: Internet Encylopaedia of Philosophy This leaves open the question of how we are to identify an event…

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December 3, 2012 by

Extract 4: Coincidence miracles and RT Holland

Coincidence miracles and RT Holland R.F. Holland gives the example of a child on a railroad track who is playing around…

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December 3, 2012 by

Extract 3: Process Theology and The Problem Of Evil

Process theology of A.N. Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne and the Problem of Evil Source: A central contention of process theism is…

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November 26, 2012 by

Extract 10: Aquinas God’s Omnibenevolence

Aquinas God’s Omnibenevolence It is written: “God is love” (John 4:16). We must needs assert that in God there is love:…

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November 24, 2012 by

EXTRACT 2 Caritas in veritate Business ethics and RC Church

Extract: Caritas and veritate – business ethics and Christian approaches 45. Striving to meet the deepest moral needs of the person…

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November 24, 2012 by

Extract 9: Omnibenevolence, sin and judgement

Omnibenevolence, sin and judgement If God creates us and wills that we be safe forever in eternal life with him, how…

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November 24, 2012 by

Extract 7: Boethius – does God know the future?

The Eternal Now source: iep One way to challenge the conclusion of the incompatibility of free will and God’s knowledge of…

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November 24, 2012 by

Extract 6: Knowledge and God’s simplicity

Knowledge and God’s Simplicity Source: According to Aquinas, God is not dependent for his existence on anything, including his attributes….

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