March 3, 2016 by

Foundation Extract: Kant in his own words – Duty

Commentary on the preface to the Metaphysics of Morals – Tristan Stone PREFACE “Everyone must admit that a law, if it…

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February 8, 2016 by

Advanced Article: Aquinas’ version of Natural Law

Thomas Aquinas’ understanding of Natural Law source 3.1 Basic image to explain Natural Law By way of beginning I shall use…

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February 3, 2016 by

Extract 6: Virtue and the Idea of Character

source A Disposition, with Respect to Actions and Feelings, Issuing in Decisions Rather than provide a definition of character or of…

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December 4, 2015 by

A Just War?

Just War? Archbishop Justin Welby argued that Syrian airstrikes fulfil Just War criteria. I beg to disagree; yet the problem may…

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November 24, 2015 by

Start Here: Free Will and Determinism

OCR students please note – free will has dropped off the new OCR spec but remains on some of the other…

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November 22, 2015 by

Roadmap: Free Will and Determinism

The structure of ideas is given here: click on a hyperlinked box to navigate through the site and identify the areas you need to understand.

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November 22, 2015 by

Article: Libertarianism as Indeterminism

source The Indeterminist Argument Against Soft Determinism The libertarian definition of freedom Genuine freedom is contextual (always freedom with respect to…

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November 22, 2015 by

Extract 10: Daniel Dennett

source Daniel Dennett (1942-) While he himself is a confirmed compatibilist, even a determinist, in “On Giving Libertarians What They Say They…

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November 21, 2015 by

Summary: Locke’s Compatibilism

I. Locke’s idea of active powers 1. Active power is the power to “make a change.” Example: fire has a power…

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November 21, 2015 by

Advanced Article: Locke’s Compatibilism

source Locke’s Compatibilism: Suspension of desire or Suspension of Determinism?[1] In Book II, chapter xxi of the Essay Concerning Human Understanding,…

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