April 23, 2009 by

Summary Sheet: Conscience

Conscience – Belief in God – Grounds for morality Past questions: 1. “Ethics comes from the human mind, not from God”….

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April 19, 2009 by

QUESTION and ANSWER Stem cell research

Q & A: what are embryonic stem cells?What are embryonic stem cells, why do they excite scientists and why are they…

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April 2, 2009 by

SIMULATION: The Diane Pretty Court Case

Introductory Notes: Diane Pretty Case The following parts can be cut out and stuck on index cards. They represent different roles…

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April 1, 2009 by

Exercise Schindler’s List and Kant

Schindler’s List Kant believed “the only good thing is the good will”, a reasoned will, operating according to the categorical imperative,…

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March 31, 2009 by

MINDMAP Aristotle and Virtue Ethics

Click here to view/download the pdf

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January 21, 2009 by

Powerpoint: Three Environmental approaches

 environmental ethics.ppt

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December 9, 2008 by

Past Questions: Genetic engineering and embryo research

Past Questions Genetic Engineering and Embryo Research Genetic engineering and embryo research is part of the Applied Ethics element of the…

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December 8, 2008 by

Start Here: Introduction to Kant

START HERE: Kant and the website All material in this section is fully integrated so you should be able to move…

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December 8, 2008 by

Past Questions: Religious ethics

Religious Ethics Here are some past questions from the OCR board on religious ethics.  The section of the website deals with…

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November 20, 2008 by

Debate: Euthanasia

EUTHANASIA A I want euthanasia legalized for egoistic reasons. If I were to become incurably ill, I would want to be…

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