July 14, 2010 by

Weblinks – abortion

WEBLINKS – abortion The index of hyperlinks on abortion from San Diego University, Lawrence Hinman, has a wealth of research material….

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July 13, 2010 by

Extract 5: Verdict of history – David Newsome on the legacy of Utilitarianism

Paradoxes of the Utilitarian position The historian David Newsome explains the legacy, and the paradoxes, of the Utilitarian position – still…

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July 13, 2010 by

Weblinks and reading

Reading: Dialogue 6 (April 1996)  has a very useful overview by Rob Cook entitled Determinism and Free Will (back copies are available…

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July 12, 2010 by

Ethics Reading

This is a list of the best books I’ve found on ethics – of a more accessible kind. I haven’t included…

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July 12, 2010 by

Extract: The selection at Auschwitz – Primo Levi

Primo Levi (1910-1987) was taken to Auschwitz in 1943 after joining the Italian partisans and being betrayed. One day whilst recovering in the…

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July 12, 2010 by

Extract 1: Spartan culture

Ronald Stark Sociology of Religion Spartan culture valued strength and courage above other virtues, so it was natural to them to…

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July 12, 2010 by

APPLY Kant to any issue

In the OCR specification we are required to apply Kant to issues surrounding business ethics (globalisation, stakeholder interests, whistleblowing, care of…

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July 11, 2010 by

Extract 3: Daniel Jacobson’s multilevel defence of utilitarianism

Daniel Jacobson defines the multilevel approach like this: Multilevel theories distinguish between an intuitive and a critical level of moral thinking….

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July 11, 2010 by

Extract 4: The Happy Warrior – Wordsworth

Wordsworth's The Happy Warrior as an alternative concept of happiness. Martha Nussbaum argues that Wordsworth's The Character of the Happy Warrior…

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July 10, 2010 by

Start Here: Relativism

Relativism is normally encountered early in the course, in order to contrast it with absolutism. This is not without its problems!…

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