April 5, 2011 by


As there are many extracts on this site against euthanasia,(see extracts 1,3,4,5 – the Churches seem to be unanimous here) below are…

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April 5, 2011 by

Extract 6:The Case for euthanasia

Here is an extract from a longer article giving a humanist, Aristotelean justification for euthanasia, by Paul Kurtz. Source: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m6875/is_n3_8/ai_n25021537/ There are…

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April 5, 2011 by

Extract 5: Effect on public conscience

Here is the view of the Christian Medical fellowship, and is part of a longer article giving twelve arguments against euthanasia….

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April 5, 2011 by

Extract 4: Right to Life

PREDICTIONS FOR JUNE 2013 Philosophy and Ethics AS and A2 PAPERS You've made it to the right section! Thanks for buying…

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April 5, 2011 by

Extract 1: Bishop von Galen’s euthanasia sermon

On 3rd August 1941 in St. Lambert’s church Bishop Clemens August accused the Nazi regime of murdering mentally handicapped persons. He…

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April 4, 2011 by

Extract 5: Aquinas on free will, rights and justice

In this short article the relationship between natural law, reason and the virtue of justice (a key virtue of the will,…

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April 4, 2011 by

Summary: The Natural Law

Here is a clear, logical summary of Aquinas' natural law theory of ethics. You could try and summarise the logic of…

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April 2, 2011 by

Extract 7 The Case against war

The Peace Pledge Union gives a powerful case against war; “War, like a disease, can in time be eradicated; and that’s…

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April 2, 2011 by

Extract 6:Should we kill tyrants?

In this article from the Independent April 1st 2011 Geoffrey Robertson QC argues it is morally right to kill tyrants like…

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April 1, 2011 by

Extract 1: The negative golden rule

A New Morality, Part 2: The Negative Golden Rule Here is an extract from the Happy Iconoclast website (click here). It…

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