February 5, 2012 by

Radio Interview: Rowan Williams on relativism

Archbishop Rowan Williams discusses relativism with Edward Sturton on Radio 4 http://www.archbishopofcanterbury.org/articles.php/556/archbishop-on-moral-relativism-bbc-radio-4s-analysis-programme

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February 5, 2012 by

Extract 7: Archbishop’s letter on euthanasia

For a short podcast by George Pitcher against euthanasia go to: http://www.churchofengland.org/media/738901/cofepodcastgeorgepitcher.mp3 Telegraph letterMonday 29th June 2009 The joint faith leaders’…

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February 4, 2012 by

1.1 Sanctity Of Life: Roman Catholic Teaching

From the Encyclical Letter Mater et Magistra of Pope John XXIII, May 15, 1961 RESPECT FOR THE LAWS OF LIFE We…

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February 4, 2012 by

Extract 8: The story of the Land

Our understanding of Earth, and our place in it, underlies and explains much of what we do in everyday life. Practical…

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January 31, 2012 by

Extract 7: Land Ethic of Aldo Leopold

Source: http://www.aldoleopold.org/about/LandEthic.pdf For an excellent article reviewing Aldo Leopold’s contribution to environmental ethics go to: http://www.eoearth.org/article/Aldo_Leopold’s_Land_Ethic “All ethics so far evolved…

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January 24, 2012 by


Interactive introduction – Euthanasia 1 hour 30 minutes Resources: 1. Terry Pratchett euthanasia documentary on Channel 5 or alternatively watch Terry Pratchett…

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January 21, 2012 by

2.3 Woman’s Rights: The testimony of Clare Rayner

Clare Rayner, who died recently, explains how an early experience she had as a young nurse shaped her views on abortion…

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January 18, 2012 by

What happens during an abortion

What happens during an abortion? Source http://www.channel4.com/learning/microsites/L/lifestuff/content/teachers/up_close/egg_sperm/text.html There are three different abortion procedures: Early medical abortion (up to nine weeks) This…

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December 13, 2011 by

Virtue ethics June 2011

Virtue Ethics June 2011 by SO Below is an answer written in the summer exam which gained full marks 35/35.  This…

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December 13, 2011 by

Meta-ethics June 2011

Meta-Ethics question June 2011   Below is an answer written on the day by one of my students.  It gained 35/35. …

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